The fugitive

6 opmerkingen:

erik zei

Joop you are so cute! I see you coming and going! You forgot to take your camera? e.

Unknown zei

k word van deze foto niet vrolijk...

JOOP96 zei

Hahaha... you joker... :) :)

JOOP96 zei

Bird2... ik begrijp het stemmingsgevoel... maar soms moet ik ook wel eens grenzen overschrijden... :)

erik zei

Dear Joop, is this the main entrance to your mothers apartment building? What a grand entrance! It must be warm there as you are not wearing a hat or a jacket! e.

JOOP96 zei

No, not the main entrance, it's a generally corridor and yes in my mothers apartment building... :) Yes. it's warm there and no... it's not me... hahaha