Dream city far away

8 opmerkingen:

erik zei

Good morning Joop. I guess I should say good afternoon with the time difference! What a wonderful photograph! You are so lucky to be living in such a beautiful city. You have caught such a wonderful vista. This looks like a very early morning picture. I don't know how you do it but you seem to be in the right location at the right time! Keep up the great work my friend! e

JOOP96 zei

Good evening dear Ernie... :) Thanks for your nice reply... The photo really are 3 photo's stacked and the sun was going down... I will bet your city is more beautiful... :)

Unknown zei

Krijg een zalig startrek gevoel bij deze plaat :)

erik zei

I will say good morning Joop, because our time is just after 9pm. your time is 3am in the morning. You are comfy in your bed catching some zzzzs. No no no your city Rijswijk and Den Haag only a few miles away are of the best and most beautiful architecture in the world. There are no beautiful buildings as there are in den Haag. I would like to swap with you to just see the beauty! e.

JOOP96 zei

Did you see some pictures of The Hague on Internet?

JOOP96 zei

Een startrek gevoel? grappig... :)

erik zei

Dear Joop: Yes great pictures of Holland. It looks like a beautiful Country! e.

JOOP96 zei

Delft is nearby... about 10 minutes drive. It is a very old beautiful typical Dutch city...