
6 opmerkingen:

erik zei

Bird Too :) e.

JOOP96 zei

:) Nice to notice you both see the bird too... :)

Elle zei

bird in two ways.
head up and head down.
prefer head up...

JOOP96 zei

Me too... :) head down had ik niet eens gezien... :( hahaha

erik zei

Elle said::: It is nice to see you back! Where have you been???? e.

Elle zei::: Het is aardig om achter u te zien! Waar u? e heeft.

Joop: The Dutch is a translation of my top greeting to Elle! How well did the translator work? e.

JOOP96 zei

Het is fijn om je terug te zien! Waar ben je geweest?

Your translation was: It is kindly to see behind you! Where you? e have. :)