Following the light

6 opmerkingen:

erik zei

I hope she has many, many years left before she will be "Following the light". Joop is this where your mother lives? e.

Unknown zei

Steeds als ik deze foto zie, wil ik reageren, maar ik vind de woorden niet...
De plaat maakt een hele diepe indruk op me, die ik niet onder woorden brengen kan.

JOOP96 zei

Ernest: yes, it is even my mother... :)

Bird2: ik begrijp het, een diepe indruk zegt al genoeg... :)

erik zei

Joop: your followers would like a picture of your mother with a "REACTIES". e.

JOOP96 zei

I'm sorry, Ernest, do you mean that you want to see a picture of my mom...?

erik zei

Yes Joop, my wife and I would like to see a picture of your mom. Lucille is a guardian angel for the elderly.I gave her a gold guardian angel necklace last Christmas for all the help,care and time she has given the seniors. I am sure my wife is a Saint. e.