He always wanted to be a tin of Heineken

5 opmerkingen:

Unknown zei

Het heinekengevoel is onmiskbaar!
Des te mooier is die opgehouden hand op die voorste plank....

erik zei

You will have to explain this one to me! I know that "a tin of Heineken" is a can of beer! But what has a block of wood and a fence have to do with a can of beer? e.

JOOP96 zei

Bird2... die hand is echt kicke! Cool dat je het zag! :)

Erik, The (Dutch) Heineken beer-cans are green and have (fast) the same shape as the green block of wood. :)

erik zei

Well, how cool. CHEERS! e.

JOOP96 zei

Cheers! :)