Bbrrr... it's cold in Canada (photo by Ernie)

7 opmerkingen:

erik zei

Thanks Joop, this is twice now that I have had a mention in your famous blog (October: For Ernie a piece of Holland)! I feel very important and famous now! e.

JOOP96 zei

A Roman Emperor worthy... :)

Unknown zei

Very nice! When will we have real snwo here in Holland...

erik zei

Well we will give you some! Feb 1/2008. Much of Atlantic Canada is in the dark, power poles down with ice. Southern Ontario has a weather warning up to 20cm. of snow! e.

Unknown zei

This afternoon 5 minutes snow... that was all and I LOVE SNOW .. I live in a wrong country :(

erik zei

NO Bird2. You really do live in the right country! e.

JOOP96 zei

For me, I don't like snow to be in it. It's a nice natural phenomenon for making nice pictures but for me too cold.
And our nice country (and whole Europe) is changing in a multi-cultural state within a lot of fear and hate.