The rare blue Flamingo hanging upside down looking around

12 opmerkingen:

erik zei

Ive seen flamingo`s fly before, but not that way!

PS: What are you feeding those birds anyway! e.

Unknown zei

He feeds them cookies :) This is Koekiemonster from Sesame Street:) :) :)

Hij is gaaf Joop :)

erik zei

Hello Bird2.Yes it is Cookie Monster, I used to watch him on Sesame Street when my children were little! Nice to meet you my name is ernie! Where in Holland are you from? e.

JOOP96 zei


Unknown zei

Hi ernie, my real name is Nicole, I live in a village called Westerbork, it's a small village in the north of Holland (200 km from Gouda)

erik zei

Hello Bird2. I googled Westerbork and found out that you must have many a story to tell! My father was in Holland in the later part of the Second World War. Nice to meet you Nicole! e.

Unknown zei

Nice to meet you ernie!

Westerbork has a history, where I'm not proud of. Even now you can feel the people who lived in that Camp. I like to walk there and think about lot of things.

Where in Holland has your father been?

erik zei

Dear Nicole:
I have only seriously became interested in the 1st. and 2nd World War after moving from New Liskeard to London in January 1999. I am so sorry now that I did not ask my dad thousands of questions and record the many answers for future generations. But all that is gone, because I can no longer ask him questions now for my dad died in 1993. My brother however has his war medals and his service records. I remember asking my dad many questions about the war but he only told the funny ones. Here is one of the funnier ones if Joop dosn`t mind us using his blog! My dad was the wireless radio operator in one of the Sherman tanks. One objective was to take out a German morter on the other side of the street, so instead of going around the street they decided to just cut through the building. When they made their way through to the center of the house, the floor gave way from the extreme weight and boom down they went in a cloud of dust and fallen brick into the basement below. My dad thought that they had had it right there and then but the tank just started pawing and scratching debris from above down and under the tracks and they were shortly on their way again! He said that nothing could stop them! Thanks for letting me use your blog Joop! Nice meeting you Bird2. e

Unknown zei

It seemt to me that I know the story you are telling about your father. My oncle told me a same story about a tank that found his way by going through a building. In the building nextdoor, people were hiding for the grandmother and oncle took care of them...

You don't know if this happend in the city Groningen, at the Hereweg?

Sorry Joop, now I am also abusing your blog :)

JOOP96 zei

Please be welcome... I like to read the stories!

erik zei

Bird 2: I wish I could answer your question and a thousand others but the old story teller is now silent. Regards e.

Unknown zei

One day he will speak again ...