Angry and still grazy

5 opmerkingen:

Unknown zei

Een hele gevoelige verschijning die volgens mij vooral boos is op zichzelf ...

JOOP96 zei

Gelukkig wel, zou anders niet goed voor mijn gevoelens zijn... :)

erik zei

This looks like a Marilyn Manson concert gone extremely wrong! e.

erik zei

Hi Joop it is me ERNEST SAID!

I don`t know what has happened! I must look into this problem! So cheerio and ta ta for now. ERNEST SAID! not MY PET SAID!

JOOP96 zei

Dear Ernie, I understood you were wrighting... the e. behind your text is for me identifiable! :)
Funny to read that Marilyn Manson still is living in your fantasy... hahaha...